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Fitness Training Online

"Announcing Fitness Training Online - Your Fast Track to Diet, Exercise, and Fitness Success!"

We gather information and publish new content each and every month!

From the desk of: Richard Rigor
Friday, 8:40 a.m.

Dear Fitness Enthusiast,

If you're ready to take your fitness to the next level and create your ideal body, this could be the most exciting letter you've ever read...

For over a decade I've been helping people achieve their fitness and fat loss goals. In the past, I've only been able to do this with a handful of people at a time - my personal clients. Once committed, they've all reached high levels of success, both body and mind.

Now I am able to reach thousands of people just like you who are seeking health and fitness related information to improve your body and enhance your quality of life.

"Diet, Exercise, & Health Information - NOW!"

Ever dreamed about having your own professional fitness consultant at your fingertips? Would you like to be among the "inner circle" of top personal trainers and other fitness and health professionals?

Well, you found us...

Members will have instant access to workouts, ebooks, and an online Nutrition Menu Planner that can automatically create a full 7 day meal plan for you. The information inside the members area will be constantly updated. Not only will you get access to all the above (which is already a lot), but you'll also get an "inside look" into some of the exact diet and exercise systems I've personally created for my clients - some pretty cutting edge stuff for quick weight loss and major muscle gains.

Here are some of the things you'll find inside right now...

::New Feature::

We have just added a Nutrition Menu Planner that can create a full 7 day menu plan for you automatically. You can even print these menus out for your convenience. Currently, you can modify these menus any way you wish! More carbs, less carbs, more protein... you get the picture. You've got to see this!

(click for larger image)

(This is the online version of software that retails for $99. - This is included with your Fitness-Training-Online Membership!)


177 Ways To Burn and Reduce Calories

How To Boost Your Metabolism
Richard Rigor's "A Guide To Lose Weight"

Ketosis Plan - 30 Day Low Carb Diet

Get Great Abs

Low Carb Diet ebook: Over 300 Healthy Recipes

Fat Loss and Muscle Gain Recipes

Workouts Routines (Animated):

Here are some sample exercises. (Our database has over 1000 exercises!)

We've got FULL Workout Routines and we just keep on adding more!

Just Added!

I've arranged to provide my members with access to an additional membership site at NO EXTRA COST! Membership... $97 Retail Value

Special Reports:

Nutritional Myths That Just Won't Die: Protein

So You Wanna Be A Fitness Model

Get your Fitness-Training-Online Membership for a
Low Monthly Fee of

Only $9.95

We are not accepting any new members at this time.
You can join our list at
for updates.

Built-in Meal Planner ~ New Diet, Exercise, Fitness, And Health eBooks ~ New Workout Routines ~ An Extra FREE Membership to ~ Special Reports ~ Plus a FREE Newsletter To Ideal Body Fitness and Much More...

Personalized Diet and Exercise Coaching/Consulting  is available.
(Contest Prep, Pageant Prep, Model Photo Shoot Prep)
Click here for more information.
